Upcoming Events

Annual Veterans Summit

“Navigating Transitions: Camaraderie to Community”


Veterans, families of Veterans, persons concerned about Veteran-related success, community support organizations focused on providing any type of assistance to Veterans and their families; Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Providers, Practitioners, Evaluators/Researchers; Public Health Providers; State and Local Policy Makers; Veterans Care System Administrators. Private/Public for profit and notfor-profit organization staff that serve Veterans.

Presentations will be 60 minutes in length. We welcome presentations that are suitable for an audience with a range of experience and exposure to veteran’s issues and services. Preference will be given to workshops that are new to the conference and demonstrate the dynamic participant engagement.

Presentations should provide resources that actively support Veterans’ and their families. Of particular interest, workshop proposals that highlight unique and innovative approaches of supporting Veterans’ and their families through transition from military service to community reintegration. Additionally, the committee will look to include proposals with strategies that address stigma or augment engagement and cultural inclusion of military culture. Some of these topics may include relationship-building (camaraderie), engagement techniques community resources and the development of support systems outside of military circles

This Summit will focus on the overall engagement of military members in behavioral healthcare settings, as well as offer resources for wrap-around services available within local communities. While treatment of behavioral health disorders is of the utmost concern, broadening the scope of enrollment into these services is critical to the veteran population who often struggle with the idea of sharing deeply personal experiences and thus suffer in silence. Priority will be given to presentations who demonstrate new ideas related to the identification of veterans who need services, and engagement techniques that foster the greatest success in behavioral health settings.

  • Clinical (Suicidal thought identification, enhancing the knowledge of family and community to identify suicidal behavior, how to have a conversation about self-harm and negative thoughts, engaging the veteran or family in services that are aligned with military values and demonstrate an understanding of unique military culture and how that impacts help-seeking behavior)

  • Family/Community Reintegration (i.e. retreats, service animals, housing, outings, support groups, mental health first aid, etc.).

  • Peer Professionals, including CARC, CRPA, CRPA-Family, Veteran Supported Recovery and other peers helping Veterans and their families.

  • Trauma (understanding the challenge trauma plays in Veteran’s engaging to treatment and support


The Program Committee will review/evaluate proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the conference theme and Areas of Focus;

  • Well-defined syllabus and learning objectives;

  • Originality of presentation style and opportunity for participant involvement;

  • Required: A 3-5 minute video with your proposal on either:
    a. a training the facilitator has previously completed or
    b. the submitted topic to be discussed in 2025

June 12, 2025 Virtual Summit Submission Process
Deadline to submit is March 30, 2025 to be considered for the June 12, 2025 mid-year virtual summit. Complete and return this form and supplemental information to:

Sherry LaFountain
Director of Events Management, Marketing & Development
194 Washington Avenue, Suite 300
Albany, NewYork 12210
Phone: (518) 426-3122 x103
E-mail: slafountain@iuany.org

Selections will be made no later than April 30, 2025.

November 5, 2025 Submission Process
Deadline to submit is July 15, 2025 to be considered for the November5, 2025 Annual Summit. Complete and return this form and supplemental information to:

Sherry LaFountain
Director of Events Management, Marketing & Development
194 Washington Avenue, Suite 300
Albany, New York 12210
Phone: (518) 426-3122 x103
E-mail: slafountain@iuany.org.

Selections will be made no later than August 15, 2025.

Please indicate which event you would like to be considered for, please select “both” if you are open to either.

  • Mid-Year Virtual Summit - June 12, 2025

  • Annual In-Person Summit - November 5, 2025, Tarrytown, NY

  • Both Events (June 12, 2025 and November 5, 2025)